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The physics of Animals

Ok, today I have a new interesting subject. I've done some research about physic and I fall into the kingdom of animals. I've found three animals that are using physic daily. The first one, everyone knows it, I'm talking about the gecko. The second one is the mimic octopus. Finally, the tired one has a superpower that everyone wants to have when you' are a kid. The holder of this power is the Basilisk lizard.  Let's talk about the gecko, with its strange paws that allow him to walk on the window or just upside down. The principle behind this it 's called the law of Van Der Waals. The law talks about an electrical link between two molecules or atoms. If we zoom on the paw of the gecko, we can see that they are full of macroscopic hair, crowned by a smaller part called a spatula, big as two hundred nanometers. Orient in the right angle, the spatula will do an electrical link with the contact surface and this only spatula has a resistan

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